Sunday, February 22, 2009

KUNG PAO HAH! Shut up and good bye chipmunks! >_<

DAMN them chipmunks' singing. It's cute for the first few listens, but the movie replays have been killing me. O_O EVERY TIME.

I can't believe my brother's still watching it. O_O =_=

Hah. I love my gray shirt. It smells so nice. Freshly handed-me-down from my mom.

The damn right arrow key is so NUMB. Darn laptops and their sensitive keys.

I've been on a Bonnie Pink bonanza lately. I've watched some videos and downloaded some songs. I'm also planning to have a trade-off with some Asian guy far away from here. I asked for Passive-Progressivism and Chronic Vertigo. If you have, can you please send them to me? O_O

My favorite video is 'Forget-Me-Not'. My favorite song so far is probably 'Evil and Flowers' or 'Daisy'. :>

I think, I have too many thoughts right now, it won't fit on my yahoo messenger stat. Druht.


I'm hyper today. MRAWR.

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